james.smithies – THATCamp Wellington 2012 http://wellington2012.thatcamp.org The Humanities and Technology Camp Sat, 05 Jan 2013 20:32:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 National Digital Infrastructure http://wellington2012.thatcamp.org/11/01/national-digital-infrastructure/ http://wellington2012.thatcamp.org/11/01/national-digital-infrastructure/#comments Thu, 01 Nov 2012 06:21:57 +0000 http://wellington2012.thatcamp.org/?p=266 Continue reading ]]>

This is a fairly unwieldy topic, but a lot of my conversations seem to be veering in this direction. I’d like to propose a session to discuss what a future digital humanities infrastructure might look like in New Zealand. We don’t need to ‘go large’ and try for a huge and unachievable project, but we do need to keep up with Europe, and countries like the UK, US and Australia and at least consider what an integrated approach might look like. Some countries have been working on these issues for a while, as expressed in projects like HUNI, Bamboo / DIRT, and groups like JISC. There’s also a wealth of ‘big picture’ reports like Our Cultural Commonwealth. Some of the questions I’d like some bright sparks to consider:

  • What group / organisation would be most appropriate to lead the development of such a strategy?
  • What existing infrastructure components (DigitalNZ, NeSI etc) could we cobble together?
  • What services would we need from such an infrastructure (IAAS, SAAS, basic web hosting etc)?
  • Should such an infrastructure be only for the academic community like the ones overseas seem to be, or would it be better to include central / local government agencies and perhaps the general public too?
  • Is it worth considering next steps, or is the issue too big?


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