New Zealand’s first THATCamp!
THATCamp Wellington 2012 was held on Thurs 22 November at Victoria University (Kelburn campus), following the National Digital Forum conference. Follow THATCamp Wellington on Twitter for updates #thatcamp #wgtn12-
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Catherine Styles
- Digital Learning Designer / Founder, Dialogue Architect
- National Museum of Australia / Sembl
- Website:
- Twitter: cathstyles
Doctoral thesis was in museum education / adult education / cultural studies, looking at museums as sites for dialogic informal learning. I planned to make a website to demo my findings – PhD ambition #fail – but the HTML and CSS skills proved useful for cracking into the cultural heritage sector.
In my spare time I am making a genius game of resemblance inspired by @hipbonegamer and Hesse's Magister Ludi / glass bead game.